Change the Domain Home Directory

How to change the main domain’s Document Root?

I have an user who is trying to migrate his wordpress website to
His main domain HOME directory is HOME/public_html.
He migrated his WP website under HOME/public_html/web folder.
I asked him why don’t you just move all the web subdir under public_html. He said it doesn’t work if he move it public_html. My guess it must be something stored in DB or somewhere.
He seems to know what he is doing since he migrated manually to and works fine. His has the RootDIR set to devtestserver/web.

Googling found this link ( . However, i am not sure it is a right thing to do without any consequence to the future upgrade and messing around with the SSL cert provisioning.

I am not sure what is the best way to change his main domain ( document root from public_html to public_html/web.

Let me know if there is an easy and best way to accomplish the user desire. Or, How we can help the user to migrate their WP site using c-panel/Installatron. This will ensure that we can force the update.


The guide you link to is the only way on a cPanel server to modify the root directory of an account. It should only be done when absolutely necessary for the function of the application and requires root access to accomplish.

To add when the document root does not match the default management through Installatron is not possible. The user should consider fixing their WP install to use the default paths if it’s desired to use Installatron for management of the application.

Thank you, Tim!
Agree with your point. Using root is something that i am not a fan of. I have asked the user to use WP installation using cPanel and not using their own installation. All-In-One WP Migration plugin tool should be able to address the user’s requirement.

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