Domain of One's Own at DPLI this Summer

I just wanted to share with the community that at this summer’s Digital Pedagogy Lab Institute (August 7-11 at UMW) I will be leading a track on Domain of One’s Own. I wrote a little bit about what I’m thinking for the activities of that track here:

I thought people from DoOO schools might be interested in this opportunity. I definitely have some ideas that I want to share, but I also love to learn from others in the community about how they’re approaching the project. I can only imagine that having some members of the community there will make the conversations richer and more meaningful.

You can read more about DPLI, generally, here:

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Wonderful Martha. I would love to be there but our semester down here in México starts up on August 7.

I will definitely keep an eye on this and if I can contribute based on the 2+ years of experience I now have applying my own spin of DoOO please feel free to ask. One important view is always “what do the students think” and how do they react. I have some video of students for that (some in English, some in Spanish) but I am sure I could get some volunteers to do a video conference if that helped at all.