Edgecast CDN Error when Setting Up in Total Cache for WordPress

I am experimenting with the Edgecast CDN on Reclaim Cloud for two WordPress applications using Nginx, and according to Jelastic I need to enable it through Total Cache:

I tried that using the right CDN hostname, but the account # and token fields are named. I tried my blog credentials, but getting a “cURL error 28: Connection timed out” error. Am I missing a step?

You can just leave the account # and token fields blank (I believe selecting Generic Mirror as a CDN option does the same thing and from my testing is the one they use for the WP installer so not sure why the blog post recommends choosing Edgecast there). The test button won’t work since you won’t have an Edgecast admin account but isn’t super necessary anyway. It does take awhile for the images/css/js to propagate across all the CDN datacenters.

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As usual, you’re right, working well. Thanks again!