Error using Let's Encrypt

I just signed up for hosting and a domain, and am following instructions for Installing Free SSL Certificates. When I finally click “Issue”, I get a screen with the following message:

There was a problem processing your request

Are there steps I’m missing, or other things on my account I need to take care of, to get this to work?

Hi Jeremy,
It looks like this was another error with your domain. We recently reached out via email to explain. Can you check your email and reply back when you get a chance?

Please let me know if you did not receive it as well. Thanks!

Are there instructions on how to install Let’s Encrypt with reclaim?

Why, yes there are! You’ll want to follow along with the guide: This will walk you through installing and SSL certificate through the Let’s Encrypt Plugin in cPanel.

can you also send me the answer?

Hi there! We have a guide to installing Free SSL certificates which should help point you in the right direction!