Feedback Requested

We would like to invite all beta partipants who have enjoyed using Reclaim Cloud over the past several weeks to give us feedback on this new service. As we prepare to launch Cloud to all users this week we want to thank everyone who has been active in this beta period kicking the tires and figuring out what works and what doesn’t. Your input and requests have helped us in the development of new application installers as well as documentation.

Feedback Form Link

In addition I wanted to let folks know that when we launch commercially your account will be adjusted to a trial status which actually means you will get an additional 14 days to continue testing the service. Trial accounts are the default for all new signups and allow anyone to learn what Reclaim Cloud is and how they might make use of it. As a special bonus if anyone decides to upgrade to a paid account we will add a 50% bonus of up to $100 in credit to their account! Thank you all for your active participation and we look forward to serving you all into the future.

The form is locked to submissions :slight_smile: might want to unlock it.

This should be fixed now.