Getting started with Scalar

This is probably an incredibly dumb question, but how do I start building a book in Scalar once I’ve set it up? Clicking on the second of the three links on my “My Scalar” page takes me to a login screen (not to the Scalar backend, as I expected). Do I have to register a new account (and if so, what’s my “Registration Key”?)

Hi there! Not a dumb question at all! You’ve already registered for an account at the point of installation, so no need to register and use the registration key. You can reset your password directly from the login screen if needed. From there, you’ll navigate to the dashboard to create a new book. Scalar has a great guide to get started here: QuickStarts

The registration key is used to prevent spam registrations on the site, if you plan to have several users sign up for their own account, it might make sense to set up the registration key. You can read more about that here: Restricting new-user registrations on a custom Scalar install

Ah, okay. I didn’t write down the administrator password when I installed Scalar so I couldn’t figure out what the login credentials were. Thanks.