ANybody here a Gravity Forms guru (or has done it and also slept in a Holiday Inn Express last night)?
Specifically, I’ve created a Gravity Form to register new users to a WP blog using the User Registration Add-In, but I’m having trouble getting the “feed” and “notifications” to do what I want. I want:
new users to be both registered and an activation email sent to them immediately so that they can self-activate right away - assuming their email address submitted is from one of 3 different domains - actually one domain that has 3 sub-domains:,, and I’d like all other email addy’s rejected as an anti-spam thing.
In a perfect world, I’d also like the form to figure out the WP username by truncating the email address to only the portion of the email before the “@”. This isn’t a real necessity, though, just a nicety. I can live with making them enter the username.