Apologies for posting this here, but my efforts to log in at Reclaim Hosting customer area have all failed (no password reminder available for any of my addresses). I am able to log in at OU Create but my Control Panel is just a blank screen (see screenshot below), and all of my content is unreachable, and my domain is also unreachable, lauragibbs.net
Serious problems here because I really need this content for my classes!
I know I was running low on space; if I need to pay more for more space, I will do it… but since I cannot access my control panel at this time, I have no idea what to do.
Screenshot where I would normally see my Control Panel:
I’m sure you saw on Twitter already but this was identified as a server issue with one of Oklahoma’s servers and is now fixed. To be clear, our client area is only for our shared hosting customers and doesn’t extend to users within institutional contracts which is why you were unable to login there. In general with DoOO there is always a program lead (sometimes more than one) that will field support for a school and escalate issues to us that can’t be resolved on campus. You should be good to go now!
Aha, that makes perfect sense; I should have thought of that! And John Stewart did indeed help me get in touch with Jim in the wee hours. You guys are awesome!!! Happy Friday!