IndieWeb WordPress on Reclaim Hosting

Just starting a thread to capture learning about using IndieWeb themes with Reclaim

On WordPress only specific themes work with all the Building Blocks

Using your existing theme is problematic. If you are a theme developer always need more contributors.

You need to delete Cookies for Comments plugin.

  • the plugin adds 1 X 1 px img as kind of a tracker. This messes up the IndieWeb parsers. A parser reads the metadata of a post and cuts it up so it can be redisplayed in a consumer, like a social reader.

  • Make sure to install askimet or another Spam control

Your webmentions and Bridgy aren’t working??

If you utilize and/org Bridgy the IP addresses by these services have been flagged by a third party security service reclaims uses.

You can follow the issue here:

Hopefully it get resolved soon.

That conversation has devolved into a theoretical discussion about whether hosting companies should protect users via firewalls so I don’t anticipate a resolution. Our request for clear limited IP ranges we could whitelist was not met and we have no way otherwise of troubleshooting this.

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