Installing Grav CMS Course Hub on Reclaim

Grav Course Hub with Git Sync is designed for tech-savvy educators to support an open and collaborative flipped-LMS approach for one or more courses.

Why Use the Grav Course Hub Project?

  • To make online course materials more open and accessible
  • To support collaboration and version control of online course materials
  • To integrate a broader range of online course materials
  • To provide multi-device access for online course materials
  • To more quickly and easily update online course materials

The Grav Course Hub, along with my other Grav open education projects ePortfolio Blog and OER Content Space, are also documented at

Example Flipped LMS Approach with Grav Course Hub workflow

Step-by-Step Video (no audio)

The following install and configuration process usually takes under 5 minutes.

Course Hub with Git Sync - Install and Configure on Reclaim Hosting

1. Getting Ready

1.1 If you do not already have a Git service account (i.e. GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket, etc.) then sign up for one

1.2 Download Course Hub skeleton package

From the site at or via this direct link:

1.3 Log into your Reclaim Hosting cPanel and go to the File Manager area

2. Installing the Course Hub

2.1 Tap "Upload"

2.1 Tap "Upload"

2.2 Tap "Select File"

2.2 Tap "Select File"

2.3 Choose the downloaded Course Hub ZIP file

2.3 Choose the downloaded Course Hub ZIP file

2.4 Return to the file listing view

2.4 Return to the file listing view

2.5 Right-tap on the Course Hub ZIP file and choose "Extract"

2.5 Right-tap on the Course Hub ZIP file and choose "Extract"

2.6 Tap "Extract File(s)" button

2.6 Tap "Extract File(s)" button

2.7 Tap "Close" button

2.7 Tap "Close" button

2.8 Copy the folder name to your clipboard (but first, change it to what you would like)

2.8 Copy the folder name to your clipboard (but first, change it to what you would like)

2.9 Enter the URL to your Course Hub

2.9 Enter the URL to your Course Hub

2.10 Complete the Admin config form

2.10 Complete the Admin config form

2.11 Tap on the arrow-circle to preview site

2.11 Tap on the arrow-circle to preview site

3. Configure Git Sync Plugin

3.1 Tap the "Setup Git Sync Plugin (Step 1 of 2)" link

3.1 Tap the "Setup Git Sync Plugin (Step 1 of 2)" link

3.2 Tap the "Next" button

3.2 Tap the "Next" button

3.3 Choose the Git service and enter your username and password for it

3.3 Choose the Git service and enter your username and password for it

3.4 Scroll down (if needed) and Tap the "Next" button

3.4 Scroll down (if needed) and Tap the "Next" button

3.5 Before continuing, you will need to create a repository on your Git service.

If you have already created a Git repository (with at least one commit, for example a ReadMe file) you may skip to step 3.10

3.5 Before continuing, you will need to create a repository on your Git service.

3.6 Create a new repository in your chosen Git service (GitHub example shown)

3.6 Create a new repository in your chosen Git service (GitHub example shown)

3.7 Enter repository name

3.7 Enter repository name

3.8 Choose to include a ReadMe file

3.8 Choose to include a ReadMe file

3.9 Create the new repository

3.9 Create the new repository

3.10 Copy the HTTPS URL of the repository to your clipboard

3.10 Copy the HTTPS URL of the repository to your clipboard

3.11 Paste the Git repository HTTPS URL into the "Git Repository" field and tap "Test Connection"

3.11 Paste the Git repository HTTPS URL into the "Git Repository" field and tap "Test Connection"

3.12 Tap the "Next" button

3.12 Tap the "Next" button

3.13 Select the displayed Webhook URL and copy it to your clipboard

3.13 Select the displayed Webhook URL and copy it to your clipboard

3.14 Add the Webhook to your Git repository settings, in GitHub tap "Settings"

3.14 Add the Webhook to your Git repository settings, in GitHub tap "Settings"

3.15 Tap "Webhooks"

3.15 Tap "Webhooks"

3.16 Tap "Add Webhook"

3.16 Tap "Add Webhook"

3.17 Paste the copied Course Hub Webhook URL into the "Payload URL" field

Note: if you change the folder name or location of your Grav OER Content Space site you will also need to update the "Payload URL" field.

3.17 Paste the copied Course Hub Webhook URL into the "Payload URL" field

3.18 Scroll down, and tap "Add Webhook"

3.18 Scroll down, and tap "Add Webhook"

3.19 Once the new Webhook is displayed, return to your Course Hub site

3.19 Once the new Webhook is displayed, return to your Course Hub site

3.20 Tap the "Save" button

3.20 Tap the "Save" button

3.21 Tap the arrow-circle button to once again preview the site

3.21 Tap the arrow-circle button to once again preview the site

4. Configure the Edit Page in Git link

4.1 Tap the "Setup Edit Page in Git Link (Step 2 of 2)" link

4.1 Tap the "Setup Edit Page in Git Link (Step 2 of 2)" link

4.2 Scroll down the page and locate the "Git Repository Tree URL" field, and then return to your previously created Git repository

4.2 Scroll down the page and locate the "Git Repository Tree URL" field, and then return to your previously created Git repository

4.3 Open the "pages" folder within your Git repository

4.3 Open the "pages" folder within your Git repository

4.4 When viewing your "pages" folder, copy the entire URL from your Browser

4.4 When viewing your "pages" folder, copy the entire URL from your Browser

4.5 Paste the URL of your Git repository, but remove '/pages/' and any other text after that

4.5 Paste the URL of your Git repository, but remove

4.6 Tap the "Save" button

4.6 Tap the "Save" button

4.7 Tap on the arrow-circle button once again to preview the site

4.7 Tap on the arrow-circle button once again to preview the site

4.8 For your final test, tap on the "Schedule" page

4.8 For your final test, tap on the "Schedule" page

4.9 Tap on the "Edit this Page" link

4.9 Tap on the "Edit this Page" link

4.10 The Course Hub site schedule page is displayed in GitHub

4.10 The Course Hub site schedule page is displayed in GitHub

5. Congratulations! You now have your Course Hub with Git Sync installed and configured.


I’ve begun to work through these installations and test them out. I think these are terrific, and thanks for all of this, @paulhibbitts!

There is a lot to work through, and I’m trying to carefully evaluate these. One quick observation, for now:

If you follow the .zip upload and extract workflow, your Grav CMS does not show up within your ‘My Apps’ area of the cpanel. At least it hasn’t for me, yet. Also, this process necessitates a subdirectory. I have been installing within a subdomain, and moving the directory’s contents up one level breaks the admin login.

The Grav install through the installatron gives a dropdown for a handful of Grav skeleton packages. Could these all (OER, OER with Git Link, Course Hub, Course Hub with Git Link, etc.) be added to that dropdown?

I think this is really exciting stuff.

Hi Tim,

Thanks for giving things a go! You are correct that the ZIP install process described will not result in a Grav App in the ‘My Apps’ area. For that to happen an Installatron install has to be performed.

I think you should be able to also install in a subdirectory (I’ve done that too), but you need to unzip the package and init the site from there. Not sure why the Admin no longer worked after the directory move, please feel free to contact me directly with more info if I can be of help.

Quite a while ago Tim Owens very kindly setup that initial Course Hub Installatron package - let me loop back with him and see if he is open to adding the other packages (and updating the existing Course Hub package too). I will share any updates here.


Just a quick update… I’ve been working on the next release of all my Grav open education projects before passing them along for adding to Installatron… getting very close now🙂

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Second update… the Grav skeleton packages are now ready but we are waiting for a bugfix from Installatron to re-enable support of the needed custom fields for the installer.

Also, this process necessitates a subdirectory. I have been installing within a subdomain, and moving the directory’s contents up one level breaks the admin login.

Not sure if you’re doing the same thing I was, but I ran into this issue as well, but it turns out I was not copying over hidden (dot) files from the subdirectory. In cPannel file manager settings, you can click an option to show hidden files - make sure that’s selected before you try to move.

See also

As an update on this thread we pushed out an update that allows these skeletons to be added on new installs of Grav automagically. It will appear as a selection during the install process:

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