Interest in H5P?

I’ve just started researching and tracking the developments of H5P (, @H5Ptechnology.

Just curious, is there interest in H5P within this community? At Muhlenberg, I imagine closely assisting faculty at first, but also developing broad skills so folks can do for themselves. Also OER textbook creation. Also working with our Digital Learning Assistants so they might support student projects as we do now with Knight Lab stuff like Timeline.js, etc.

Anyone up for a hangout or Zoom meeting or whatever?

This looks really interesting. Reminds me of webcomponents but with a lower barrier to entry and some great templates. I’d definitely be interested in learning more about this and brainstorming a bit.

@bionicteaching Is a good contact too, they use H5P in quite a few sites at

I’m interested. We’ve been tweaking H5P some and I’m a fan of the Knightlab tools. I’ve got a few plugins working that do some useful stuff with both platforms and using them with WordPress. We will be using H5P with a histology OER site and are likely to use it with an openstax text that we’ve imported into a local pressbooks installation.

We’ve set up a playground environment here at Charles Sturt - which is running off our reclaim installation. The idea here was to bring development in house rather than the H5P server because reuse an updating of content was an issue on a few courses. If it takes off it will get it’s own installation set up. I’ve handed over admin of the site to another team but there have been a few people keen to explore - and there’s some professional development being planned in the next couple of weeks.

Oh we’re definitely interested. I’ve got a couple of faculty that have using H5P’s in their classes for a year now.
This summer we’re building an H5P shared “bank” for all the faculty in our ESOL (Engl as 2nd Language) program. It’s a WP site with the H5P plugin installed. A group of ESOL faculty all enter stuff as h5P’s or just posts and tag/categorize them. A lot of the content is stuff that was formerly on handout worksheets for a single prof. Now they can share.
They browse the H5P library in the bank site, find the one they want, then copy the embed code to use in their own WP site for a class.
I’d love to create a plugin where one WP site could browse another WP site’s H5P library and copy the embed codes, but alas, it’s past my current resources.
We’re also installing it on the new Pressbooks installation so we can put them in our OER books.

I’ve been using H5P for 2 years and it’s one of the best things I have used in a long time. The more that different platforms work to integrate it the better.

Well, this seems overwhelmingly positive to me! Would it be strange to propose an old-fashioned round of blog posts? Maybe to land the last week of August? Any interest in that?

I have three posts that might be of use to someone. Sadly, they are boring and are focused on making the WordPress plugin do a couple things.

I do have H5P in use in world languages and histology in ways that might be more interesting/useful to people.

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Well, I’m not sure how I’ve missed this thread for 3 years, but I’m in good company it seems for interest in H5P.

A great snapshot of what’s going on at my current institution is captured on the H5P Kitchen site hosted by BC Campus and includes a webinar hosted by CogDog as well as links to a variety of sources my colleague and I shared. August Webinar: Instructional Design of Open Textbook Practice Problems – The H5P Kitchen

I’m always up for a chat, all things H5P.

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