Known Problems and Solutions

I am going to put my hand up here, sometimes I bob up between the waves and feel out of my depth. Really love the power and control given by reclaiming my presence, but wondering where to start in regards to debugging a 403 error message that one of my Known instances keeps giving me about ‘potentially’ unsafe activity when I post. My first port of call seems to be to email for help, but wondering if I were to actually problem solve myself where I might start? So I decided to post here instead …

Also, is there a place for a Documentation > Known category?

We don’t currently have a category of documentation for Known since we don’t have enough people running it and it seems the project has stagnated in the past 8 months. I’m weary of adding too many categories to our forums here for all the various software folks run so at the moment in addition to generic documentation we have some specific for WordPress and Omeka.

Regarding 403 errors it’s happening when you hit the post button? Or on specific screens? What is the exact error message?

Fair call. Was just a thought.

It occurs when I go to post in my instance. Was able to post one image, but then went to post another and I started getting the 403 message :thinking:

Can you paste the 403 message here that you’re referring to? If we know the exact error we can search for it in the logs and see if that reveals anything.

Here is the message I get …

Aaron Davis -

I don’t know how reproducible the error is but I’d be curious if you’re able to see if it’s fixed now. We run a piece of software on our servers called CloudLinux which is meant to limit resources for memory, CPU, etc per account. I think it was getting tripped up by some older settings here that may have been triggered by Known. In any case I see some evidence in the logs of that with that error and made some changes on the server that would (hopefully) show improvement. Do let me know if it persists!

Fixed :+1:
Was there anything that I could or should have done to fix this @timmmmyboy or do I just live with the fact that there is always a limit to my Powers and that is ok?

This did indeed require us to make adjustments to your account at the server level due to a software conflict, nothing you could have done. Limits to power can be freeing :slight_smile: