Mattermost Settings

I am bringing out the big guns on this one, I asked @cblankenship in our infrastructure team to take a look at to see if he has some ideas, I wanted to dedicate more time looking at this this morning but my day got away from me.

Looking over this article, adding the user you want to run the docker command to the docker group may work to fix the permission denied error.

sudo usermod -aG docker mattermost

Hi Chris. I did that a few steps back. The mattermost user now has permissions to run docker commands (which I’ve tested with hello world) but neither mattermost nor root can actually run the import command. The errors when mattermost wasn’t in the docker group were very evidently about Docker; now the permission failure is failure to open…

This is strange. Seeing as how the mattermost user has been added to the docker group and the file permissions are rather open, it should be allowing you really do anything with the file. Can you run the groups command as the mattermost user and reply with the list of groups?

Restarting docker itself may not hurt either.

sudo systemctl restart docker

Sure! The response to the groups command was mattermost root docker. I’ll try the restart!

Sigh. No dice; same error: Error: open /root/ permission denied

Could you try running

docker exec -it mattermost-docker_app_1 ls /root

Ooh: ran as user mattermost; permission denied. Do I need a mattermost-owned folder to put the .zip in?

Okay, I may have an idea of what’s going on now. Can you try running:

docker cp /path/to/ $CONTAINER_ID:/

Replacing $CONTAINER_ID with the container ID you see with mattermost-docker_app_1 when you run:

docker ps

Okay, done. And now this?

docker exec -it mattermost-docker_app_1 mattermost import slack shoal

Yeah, see if that works. It looks like the Docker container had no permission to access files outside of its space, so copying the export file to the container might be the solution.

Do I need a more specific pointer to the file within the container? I’m getting this:

Error: open no such file or directory

Try docker exec -it mattermost-docker_app_1 mattermost import slack shoal / with the slash in front of the export file

Aha! That did it! (Of course, now I’ve hit an import error, but at least it’s starting to run the import on a file, which is a huge step. Looks like I may need to futz with the export data to get it to work.)

Glad to hear. Containers can get pretty weird as they try and keep everything isolated, which can be great, but can also be a headache. If you have any other questions, please let us know.

Completely! Now I’m getting a 502 Bad Gateway out of nginx. I’ve restarted the nodes but no luck. I think I’m going to walk away for now and start over in the morning: shut down the environment, rebuild, and follow the steps up to this point. (And do some data cleaning in the meantime.)

ETA: THANKS!!! I really appreciate all the help!


Mattermost import, round 43: I’m getting the import process to run but it’s triggering several HIGHLY verbose errors (all of which seem to have to do with the inability to activate a plugin/generate a webapp bundle) and then failing without import. I’m pasting in a better formatted version of the mess below in the event it points the way to what I need to try next.

{"level":"error","ts":1595014790.6328049,"caller":"mlog/log.go:175","msg":"Unable to activate plugin","plugin_id":"com.mattermost.nps","error":"unable to generate webapp bundle: com.mattermost.nps: unable to copy webapp bundle directory: com.mattermost.nps: stat /mattermost/plugins/com.mattermost.nps/webapp/dist: no such file or directory","errorVerbose":"stat /mattermost/plugins/com.mattermost.nps/webapp/dist: no such file or directory\nunable to copy webapp bundle directory: com.mattermost.nps\*Environment).UnpackWebappBundle\n\\*Environment).Activate\n\\*App).SyncPluginsActiveState\n\\*App).InitPlugins\n\\*Server).RunOldAppInitialization\n\\\n\\\n\\\n\\\n\\*Command).execute\n\\*Command).ExecuteC\n\\*Command).Execute\n\\\n\\nmain.main\n\\nruntime.main\n\truntime/proc.go:203\nruntime.goexit\n\truntime/asm_amd64.s:1373\nunable to generate webapp bundle: com.mattermost.nps\*Environment).Activate\n\\*App).SyncPluginsActiveState\n\\*App).InitPlugins\n\\*Server).RunOldAppInitialization\n\\\n\\\n\\\n\\\n\\*Command).execute\n\\*Command).ExecuteC\n\\*Command).Execute\n\\\n\\nmain.main\n\\nruntime.main\n\truntime/proc.go:203\nruntime.goexit\n\truntime/asm_amd64.s:1373"}

{"level":"error","ts":1595014790.6835897,"caller":"mlog/log.go:175","msg":"Unable to activate plugin","plugin_id":"com.mattermost.nps","error":"unable to generate webapp bundle: com.mattermost.nps: unable to copy webapp bundle directory: com.mattermost.nps: stat /mattermost/plugins/com.mattermost.nps/webapp/dist: no such file or directory","errorVerbose":"stat /mattermost/plugins/com.mattermost.nps/webapp/dist: no such file or directory\nunable to copy webapp bundle directory: com.mattermost.nps\*Environment).UnpackWebappBundle\n\\*Environment).Activate\n\\*App).SyncPluginsActiveState\n\\*App).InitPlugins\n\\*Server).RunOldAppInitialization.func6\n\\*emitter).invokeConfigListeners.func1\n\\nsync.(*Map).Range\n\tsync/map.go:333\*emitter).invokeConfigListeners\n\\*commonStore).load\n\\*FileStore).Load\n\\*Server).ReloadConfig\n\\\n\\\n\\\n\\\n\\*Command).execute\n\\*Command).ExecuteC\n\\*Command).Execute\n\\\n\\nmain.main\n\\nruntime.main\n\truntime/proc.go:203\nruntime.goexit\n\truntime/asm_amd64.s:1373\nunable to generate webapp bundle: com.mattermost.nps\*Environment).Activate\n\\*App).SyncPluginsActiveState\n\\*App).InitPlugins\n\\*Server).RunOldAppInitialization.func6\n\\*emitter).invokeConfigListeners.func1\n\\nsync.(*Map).Range\n\tsync/map.go:333\*emitter).invokeConfigListeners\n\\*commonStore).load\n\\*FileStore).Load\n\\*Server).ReloadConfig\n\\\n\\\n\\\n\\\n\\*Command).execute\n\\*Command).ExecuteC\n\\*Command).Execute\n\\\n\\nmain.main\n\\nruntime.main\n\truntime/proc.go:203\nruntime.goexit\n\truntime/asm_amd64.s:1373"}

{"level":"error","ts":1595014790.6844435,"caller":"mlog/log.go:175","msg":"Unable to activate plugin","plugin_id":"com.mattermost.nps","error":"unable to generate webapp bundle: com.mattermost.nps: unable to copy webapp bundle directory: com.mattermost.nps: stat /mattermost/plugins/com.mattermost.nps/webapp/dist: no such file or directory","errorVerbose":"stat /mattermost/plugins/com.mattermost.nps/webapp/dist: no such file or directory\nunable to copy webapp bundle directory: com.mattermost.nps\*Environment).UnpackWebappBundle\n\\*Environment).Activate\n\\*App).SyncPluginsActiveState\n\\*App).InitPlugins.func1\n\\*emitter).invokeConfigListeners.func1\n\\nsync.(*Map).Range\n\tsync/map.go:333\*emitter).invokeConfigListeners\n\\*commonStore).load\n\\*FileStore).Load\n\\*Server).ReloadConfig\n\\\n\\\n\\\n\\\n\\*Command).execute\n\\*Command).ExecuteC\n\\*Command).Execute\n\\\n\\nmain.main\n\\nruntime.main\n\truntime/proc.go:203\nruntime.goexit\n\truntime/asm_amd64.s:1373\nunable to generate webapp bundle: com.mattermost.nps\*Environment).Activate\n\\*App).SyncPluginsActiveState\n\\*App).InitPlugins.func1\n\\*emitter).invokeConfigListeners.func1\n\\nsync.(*Map).Range\n\tsync/map.go:333\*emitter).invokeConfigListeners\n\\*commonStore).load\n\\*FileStore).Load\n\\*Server).ReloadConfig\n\\\n\\\n\\\n\\\n\\*Command).execute\n\\*Command).ExecuteC\n\\*Command).Execute\n\\\n\\nmain.main\n\\nruntime.main\n\truntime/proc.go:203\nruntime.goexit\n\truntime/asm_amd64.s:1373"}

{"level":"error","ts":1595014790.6897593,"caller":"mlog/log.go:175","msg":"Unable to activate plugin","plugin_id":"com.mattermost.nps","error":"unable to generate webapp bundle: com.mattermost.nps: unable to copy webapp bundle directory: com.mattermost.nps: stat /mattermost/plugins/com.mattermost.nps/webapp/dist: no such file or directory","errorVerbose":"stat /mattermost/plugins/com.mattermost.nps/webapp/dist: no such file or directory\nunable to copy webapp bundle directory: com.mattermost.nps\*Environment).UnpackWebappBundle\n\\*Environment).Activate\n\\*App).SyncPluginsActiveState\n\\*App).InitPlugins\n\\\n\\\n\\*Command).execute\n\\*Command).ExecuteC\n\\*Command).Execute\n\\\n\\nmain.main\n\\nruntime.main\n\truntime/proc.go:203\nruntime.goexit\n\truntime/asm_amd64.s:1373\nunable to generate webapp bundle: com.mattermost.nps\*Environment).Activate\n\\*App).SyncPluginsActiveState\n\\*App).InitPlugins\n\\\n\\\n\\*Command).execute\n\\*Command).ExecuteC\n\\*Command).Execute\n\\\n\\nmain.main\n\\nruntime.main\n\truntime/proc.go:203\nruntime.goexit\n\truntime/asm_amd64.s:1373"}

Running Slack Import. This may take a long time for large teams or teams with many messages.

Mattermost Slack Import Log

Users created:

The Integration/Slack Bot user with email slackimportuser_m3d947cb9innpxyfp9f57oze5w@localhost and password 5pkbxq1txpg78pnffzo47xfctr has been imported.

Channels added:


- Some messages may not have been imported because they were not supported by this importer.
- Slack bot messages are currently not supported.
- Additional errors may be found in the server logs.

Finished Slack Import.

Okay. I was hoping that installing and activating the Github plugin – which the Mattermost docs suggest is supposed to be automatically installed with versions after 5.12 but wasn’t – would be the ticket. It wasn’t. The directory /webapp does not exist inside /mattermost/plugins/com.mattermost.nps and I’m not sure what would trigger it to be there. Googling com.mattermost.nps suggests that it’s a survey plugin that supposed to be auto-installed with 5.12 as well, but seems to be incomplete. I am going to take a leap and try to install the rest manually. Wish me luck.

Well, that didn’t do it either. More tomorrow, I hope.

Well, heck. I disabled the NPS plugin in the console to see what would happen. The overflow of errors is now gone, and we go straight to “Running Slack Import,” during which nothing is actually imported. Sigh.