SSL / Let's Encrypt for Azuracast

I was following this guide:
but it’s closed for comments, so please feel free to combine this topic with that one.

I have completed the domain binding, but when I click on the Add-Ons for Azuracast, Let’s Encrypt is not listed:

Is there another process I can follow to have Let’s Encrypt generate a cert for Azuracast?

Certain types of containers don’t support the Let’s Encrypt addon. Docker and VPS containers are examples of that. In those cases the best way to do it is to add a Load Balancer to the environment and you can then add the Let’s Encrypt addon to the load balancer which will proxy those requests. Jim models that in this thread

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My 2 cents if you do not mind, the mentioned approach using load balancer is the simplest way. But just to give you a full picture, there is also a possibility to integrate Jelastic Let’s Encrypt Add-on with custom (aka non-certified) containers via deployHook. A few examples how it works


@siruslan Oh cool, I’ll look into adding that as a possibility for the installers we build, would definitely make the process of using custom domains a bit more straightforward.

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I’m currently moving my azuracast install over to Reclaim Cloud and I’ve had success keeping it behind the Shared Load Balancer (so the built in SSL works), but then using the Endpoints feature in Jelastic to open up the port that I need to connect to stream. I have it configured like this:

Then in my streaming software instead of streaming to azuracast on port 8005, I use 11004. I can go into more detail if thats helpful to anyone.

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I am facing the same problems...

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