"There appears to be a problem with the saved database information" Omeka S error in cPanel

Afternoon - I’ve got an Omeka S install that is showing the following error in cPanel:

Note: There appears to be a problem with the saved database information. Use the above “Files & Tables” tab to enter correct information.

Looking the “Files & Tables” tab there is nothing obviously amiss or omitted (not that I am that sure what I am looking for)

This seems to be stopping manual and automatic backups of the install, so I’m keen to get it sorted. Any suggestions you may have are super appreciated!


Hi James-- It looks like Installatron was looking for a database prefix that didn’t exist. Under the ‘Files and Tables’ section of the Intallatron entry, you’ll see a section called ‘Table Prefix.’ Installatron was looking for the prefix os_ when the database wasn’t using any prefixes.


I removed this prefix for you and you should see that error go away! All backups and updates should go through automatically now.

Thanks for explaining @mhuff23 and so kind of you to make the fix. Looks like it is working now. Any idea why that crept in? I did a vanilla install, so might be something to look into re the Omeka S install process.