Upgrade to Omeka S 3.2.0

Hi Reclaim, do you have a timeline for rolling out the new 3.2.0 update for Omeka S, or perhaps more generally how long it takes for a new version to be released and then for Reclaim to roll out automatic updates?

I’m working on two digital scholarship projects that would enormously benefit from the new property annotation feature, and I’m trying to decide if I should proceed with a manual update or wait for you to roll it out.

Also, have you or others heard about issues with 3.2.0?

I would recommend going ahead with the manual upgrade if you are looking to use some specific features right away. We haven’t had anybody reach out to us with specific problems with Omeka S 3.2, but becuase our installer is not ready and this version only came out a few days ago, I would suspect we don’t have a ton of people using it here yet.

I’d recommend making an Installatron backup of any site that you are trying to upgrade before you perform the upgrade, just so you can roll back changes if necessary.

Omeka has documentation on performing an upgrade here:

We also have a quick guide on troubleshooting failed upgrades Omeka S upgrades, as that usually has to do with incompatible themes or plugins:

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I should add that it would also be a good idea to keep an eye on the Omeka Forums if you are curious to see if people are having issues with the new version:

Hopefully some of this was helpful!

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