As I tried to go through old accounts, I would export the CSV and then take notes in Google Sheets. I didn’t like that it separated it from the place where I was going to take action. I also tended to re-download the data a few months later and just lost track of the old notes. This led to me wasting time.
What I was hoping to do was at least add a single field so I could categorize certain accounts (enterprise, faculty, student, etc). As best I can tell, there is no easy way to add a column to the WHM account list. I considered creating packages but that felt like it’d get messy pretty fast and with obvious hassles.
One idea that I was curious about was creating a couple different resellers as a way to categorize sites. I don’t care that they don’t actually re-sell anything (although maybe there are some advantages in doing that). I just planned on manually assigning accounts. Any issues with doing that I need to be aware of?
I did opt to use css to hide two columns (partition and theme). That helps me see things I care about a bit better. Might be useful for someone else who dislike horizontal scrolling and doesn’t care about the theme being used in cPanel and/or only has one partition.
/*hides partition column*/
#listaccts th:nth-of-type(8), #listaccts td:nth-of-type(8){
display: none;
/*hides theme column*/
#listaccts th:nth-of-type(12), #listaccts td:nth-of-type(12){
display: none;