WHM Admin question

I’m not sure where to put this question, so I’m going to throw it out here. I’ve just started as Director of Academic Tech at Grinnell College, where we have sites.grinnell.edu with Reclaim (but not a full Domains program…I’m working on that). I’ve assumed root admin responsibilities through WHM, but I am totally new to WHM. I’m starting to work through the posts at workshop.reclaimhosting.com, but was wondering it there are further tutorial resources that would be helpful to me.

More immediately, I have a question with regard to the haenfler.sites.grinnell.edu site. A student working on this site messaged me with the following issue, and I want to make sure I respond correctly:

I was finishing up my webpage by adding posters to the movie titles in the media section, however when I clicked preview to see the website i got this error “Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 7406527 bytes) in /home/haenfler/public_html/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 4630” on the tab where the preview should be. I then saved my entire document and got the error in the editing section of it, so now I cannot even access my page to edit anything. I haven’t finish adding all of what I wanted to add to my page, but I can’t access it to change anything. I was wondering if you had any input as to fixing this memory error.

I assume this is something I should handle, but I’m not sure how. Would appreciate any help…thanks.


Hey Mo,

cPanel has some documentation on WHM at WebHost Manager - WHM User Documentation - Version 84 Documentation - cPanel Documentation (they’re not as big on screenshots and full on tutorials which is where we’ve been trying to fill the gaps).

In regards to that error it can be a few things. You might start by increasing the memory limit in the WP config Fix: WordPress Memory Exhausted Error - Increase PHP Memory. If it persists it can also be a plugin issue so trying to disable plugins can be a good troubleshooting technique.

Thanks Tim, I’ll give that a try