Getting Started with WordPress, an IndieWebCamp Pop-up Session

A few WordPress experts are hosting a introduction to WordPress and DoOO/IndieWeb
Saturday, August 1, 2020 9:30 - 11:30am (America/Los_Angeles)
IndieWebCamp: Pop-ups Getting Started with WordPress

Code of Conduct

The meeting link will be shown on the main event site 15 minutes before the event

This will be a broad-based introduction to the DoOO/IndieWeb session specifically focused on using WordPress. Our aim is to help people get set up and running a self-hosted website with WordPress though some of our discussion will work for versions as well.

  • Grab a cup of coffee and get an IndieWeb site up and running in just a few hours.
  • Have questions or problems with your current WordPress site? Stop by and get some help.
  • Just figuring out what DoOO/IndieWeb is about? Much of what we’ll discuss is applicable to other platforms and may be useful to other beginners as well.
  • All levels of experience welcome
  • (Note: for those without a domain registered or web hosting, we may have a brief pre-session to help you out so we can be more productive during the main session.)

We’ll cover:

  • Installing Themes and Plugins
  • Notifications/Webmentions for site-to-site communication
  • IndieAuth, an oAuth extension, which allows you to use your website to log into other services
  • A variety of Micropub clients for more easily posting a variety of content to your website
  • WebSub for real-time communications
  • Syndication methods to other sites including POSSE and PESOS as well as syndication links
  • Pulling replies/responses out of social media and back to your original post using
  • Post Kinds Plugin for posting replies, likes, favorites, watches, listens, reads, etc. to your website
  • Integrating social readers into your website to allow you to read, write, and respond to the social web

  • Notes for the session will take place at: Etherpad
  • Create week: Following the session, we’ll give people a chance to create something for their site to do remote demos.
  • Demos: When we’re done, we’ll have a short online demo session so people can show off the new sites and maybe demo their favorite functionality.

Would you like to volunteer to help manage the session? Add yourself to the list on the IndieWeb wiki or contact the organizers in chat

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Thank you for doing this. It’s a terrific idea.

I don’t know if I will be able to make it but it’s a really nice idea.

We recorded the session and archived the notes all of which can be found at 2020/Pop-ups/GettingStartedWithWordPress - IndieWeb.

For those who are interested, we may do this (or variations on it) on a quarterly basis for those who’d like to participate live or who have questions. Details can be found at either 2020/Pop-ups - IndieWeb or the events page at

Thank you very much for providing this! I will check it out.

I started to learn about the IndieWeb last year. It was recommendations from the IndieWeb community that led me to Reclaim Hosting and to last year’s Domains Camp. I am extremely grateful. However, also embarrassed, as I have forgotten most of what I learned last year.

Thanks again!

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