Has anyone tried the free web application firewall, SafeLine?

SafeLine is a self-hosted WAF to defend your sites from cyber attacks by filtering and monitoring HTTP/S traffic between a web application and the Internet. It’s free. The pro edition is also cost-effective for web hosting providers.

Website: https://waf.chaitin.com/
Product Demo: https://demo.waf.chaitin.com:9443/statistics/dashboard

I’ve been working for SafeLine for about 3 months, and I connect with users all over the world every day. 98% of them said to me that SafeLine was a very user-friendly product, easy to install, configure and use. And 93% of them told me SafeLine was a really nice WAF worth using.

More importantly, when you really use it and test it, you will find many positive results. Its detection accuracy rate is better than other similar products.