Hi, I am starting a topic concerning the hosting of the Group-Office pro version app on reclaim hosting,
aiming at eventually completing a full step-by-step installation guide.
This is done to make the last 12 hours in my life useful, for my own record and for the community’s use.
I installed Group-office through Installatron.
From there, it is unclear if this install will support GO-pro functionalities, since it includes a use license which specifies that both the free community license and the pro license are available for this app.
Installation ran smoothly, and probably it would suffice for the free community version.
However, I need the pro functionalities. Besides the pro license key that I have to purchase from Group-Office directly, I need all dependencies to allow the pro functionalities to work.
To this aim, Group-Office provides a test script (gotest.php, included in the Installatron install, and located in your app’s root folder, in /public_html/).
Here are the results of the Group-Office test script and my questions:
1. Output buffering: Warning: output_buffering is enabled. This will increase memory usage might cause memory errors
manages “large files”, and should be settable by changing a line in the “php.ini” file (“Output_buffering = Off”). According to a phpinfo.php script I made, this is not settable on ReclaimHosting. Do you confirm? Shall it represent a problem?
there is a solution proposed here
which provides possibility to bring file size limit up to 128Mb.
However, this involves changing the php version, in my case from “native (5.6)” to regular “5.6”.
Making the change fixes the original problem, but gives way more new issues in the go-test script which points to a fatal error (Group-Office will not run properly with current system setup!). not a solution therefore.
The initial issue could be solved by activating the right PHP options (to match the native (5.6) settings), but which ones?
Anyone could provide the list of PHP options enabled in the native (5.6) setting?
2. libwbxml: Warning: libwbxml2 is not installed. SyncML sync will not work!
Can be downloaded, but needs cmake command available in SSH console to install (from here: https://cmake.org/files/v3.7/cmake-3.7.2.tar.gz)
I made SSH access. From console (Mac OS X terminal):
Then back to file manager, extract to folder, and rename folder to “cmake”
$ cd cmake
$ ./bootstrap && make && make install
Some 10 minutes later, I get:
CMake Error at cmake_install.cmake:36 (file):
file cannot create directory: /usr/local/doc/cmake-3.7. Maybe need administrative privileges.
make: *** [install] Error 1
then I try to ignore and install libwbxml any way.
In console I do:
$ wget Download libwbxml from SourceForge.net
[or any other http source where the install package is located]
Then back to file manager, extract to folder, and rename folder to “libwbxml”
Also, delete the original install package
$ cd libwbxml/src/
$ cmake . -B/tmp/build/libwbxml
I get: -bash: cmake: command not found
stuck here.
according to a recent Group-Office forum post
it is possible to make a manual install by simply “downloaded the module and place it in the “Module” directory).”
from where should the module be downloaded?
I visited libwbxml - Browse /libwbxml at SourceForge.net (apparently still alive) and also downloaded libwbxml-0.11.5.tar.gz. No information there as to whether it can be simply “placed in a specific directory”, and which files should be placed there
Besides, I already have a “/office/modules/syncml” folder among my modules… What is it and why is it not read by the test script?
3. TNEF: Warning: tnef is not installed or not executable. you can’t view winmail.dat attachments in the email module.
Not essential, but I followed instructions from this group-office forum topic (https://www.group-office.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=6910), from which I’m copying the following lines:
Make SSH access from console, then
$ wget Download TNEF from SourceForge.net
[or any http address where the installation package is located]
Then back to file manager, extract to folder, and rename folder to “tnef”
$ cd tnef
$ ./configure --prefix=$HOME
now you’ll find “tnef” in the [root]/bin folder. you may like to double check that it has file
permissions 755 (correct if not. Use cpanel file manager for this to, or chmod…)
and you may like to double check the content of [root]/.bash_profile contains “$HOME/bin” in the path, something like this:
Then, edit the GO config.php file in GO’s root folder (in /public_html), and add (or edit) the following line anywhere:
Back to file manager, delete the original package from your root folder.
Relaunching the gotest.php script gives me same error…
What should I do?
4. Ioncube version check: Installed: version 4.7.5 - Ioncube loader is installed but needs to be updated. Group-Office will only work reliably with ioncube loader version 5.0 or later. The most recent version of the loader can be found here.
solution: can be activated through PHP selector, selecting the right options, but which? See point 1.
5. CalDAV alias: Note: The alias /caldav was not detected. Please create: Alias /caldav /groupoffice/modules/caldav/calendar.php.
+ CardDAV alias: Note: The alias /carddav was not detected. Please create: Alias /carddav /groupoffice/modules/carddav/addressbook.php.
The said .php files do exist, but under a different path : /office/modules/* instead of /groupoffice/modules/*
How do I create the alias?
This post (https://www.group-office.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=7114&p=28062&hilit=Please+create%3A+Alias#p28062) says I can define the alias in in /etc/apache2/conf.d/groupoffice.conf
From the cPanel’s file manager, I have no such file. Actually, not even a /etc/apache2 directory. However, from SSH console, I do have a lot of directories in /etc, including an /apache2 directory, which however has no subdirectory /conf.d nor a groupoffice.conf or similar file…
The only .conf files I have access to and that seem to match are:
8. CalDAV autodiscovery: Note: The redirect /.well-known/caldav was not detected. Please create a redirect: Redirect 301 /.well-known/caldav /caldav
+ CardDAV autodiscovery: Note: The redirect /.well-known/carddav was not detected. Please create a redirect: Redirect 301 /.well-known/carddav /carddav
No such directory as /.well-known/* … what should I do?
9. Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync alias: Note: The alias /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync was not detected. Please create: Alias /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync /groupoffice/modules/z-push/index.php.
I have no such directory as /groupoffice/modules/z-push/
However, I do have an /office/modules/zpushadmin/* folder, with a ZpushadminModule.php
No idea what it is meant for.
First, I need to install w-push.
I followed the instructions for automated installation here: Z-push 2.1 - Group-Office Groupware and CRM Documentation
In terminal, I do:
$ cd public_html/office/modules/sync/z-push
$ chmod +x ./install.sh
$ ./install.sh
Now, back in cPanel file manager, navigate to the newly installed z-push module (public_html/groupoffice/modules/z-push) where you’ll find the index.php file you were looking for at the very beginning.
I therefore I followed the instructions for manual install here:
On step 6 it says:
Now, you must configure Apache to redirect the URL ‘Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync’ to the index.php file in the modules/z-push/ directory.
This can be done by adding the line:
Alias /Microsoft-Server-ActiveSync /path/to/groupoffice/modules/z-push/index.php
Thank you very much, I do have such a file, but no clue WHERE I should add the said line.
What should I do ?
Besides, considering this is a shared hosting environment, it seems I should rather follow the workaround proposed by this post
https://www.group-office.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=6243&p=21446&hilit=Alias+%2FMicrosoft+Server+ActiveSync+%2Fpath%2Fto%2Fgroupoffice%2Fmodules%2Fz+push%2Findex.php#p24501 which points to yet another post: http://z-push.sourceforge.net/phpbb/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=792&p=3366&hilit=cgi#p3366
The proposed solutions are beyond my skills. Did not try it.
What should I do ?
Hence, I did not perform step “7. Restart apache2 and configure your mobile device with the servername, username and password and you should be in sync!”
What should I do ? How do I “restart apache2” ?
Also, the manual installation instructions provided by group-office (Z-push 2.1 - Group-Office Groupware and CRM Documentation ) provide details concerning CGI mode:
default situation: “z-push only works when PHP is loaded as an Apache module”
How do I know if PHP is “loaded as an Apache module”? The cPanel documentation found here is beyond my area of knowledge (https://documentation.cpanel.net/display/ALD/Configure+PHP+and+suEXEC) -
non-default situation: “If you use PHP in CGI mode you’ll have to add 2 .htaccess files”
one in /“path to group-office”/modules/z-push/.htaccess (did it), and second “in the Group-Office document root (next to the index.php file)” (didi it). Do I need to restore these .htaccess files to previous situation if I don’t use PHP in CGI mode ?
What should I do ?
Any help would be highly appreciated.