Jekyll via RubyGems

I wonder if it would be possible to run Jekyll on reclaim by installing as a RubyGem. ATM, the rubygem installer in CPanel tries to pull from rubyforge. It looks as if that site has been deprecated.

I haven’t tested it but I had assumed Jekyll could run on Reclaim. Would be a good test to see. I suppose then all you’d have to do is setup a cron job to rake for new content on a fixed schedule and you’d have your automated html generation within the _site folder.

Bluehost tutorial for installing RubyGems in cPanel:

  1. Using File Manager in your cPanel make a copy of the .bashrc file in your root directory, name it .bashrc.bak.
  2. Now edit the .bashrc file and add the following to the end of the file:

export GEM_HOME=$HOME/ruby/gems
export GEM_PATH=$GEM_HOME:/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.3
export GEM_CACHE=$GEM_HOME/cache
export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/ruby/gems/bin

  1. When using a rails application, make sure you add the following to your ./config/environment.rb:

ENV[‘GEM_PATH’] = ‘/path/to/your/home/ruby/gems:/lib/ruby/gems/1.9.3’

I changed the .bashrc but get this when I try to use the cpanel rubygems installer

ERROR:  While executing gem ... (OptionParser::InvalidOption)
invalid option: -y

Do I have to run gem from the CLI via an ssh session?

Just checked and the location of gems on the server is:


However I assume the idea is that the individual gems should get installed within the user home directory and the server level ones are just ones that came preinstalled. I don’t know if that changes anything. cPanel doesn’t say anything about needing to do the bash stuff or command line. I just happened to find those instructions from Bluehost and knew they ran cPanel. Which gem do you need? I could probably just load it on the server and all users would have access.

I was trying to install the most recent version of jekyll I could find.

Returning to the scene of the discussion to post this:

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Thanks for updating the thread! Always happy to see new things come on the scene that make this stuff possible.

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In the end it was pretty easy. Any difficulty was mostly because I stayed up too late working on it and my tired eyes had trouble reading the text in the terminal, ha ha…

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