Seeking Analytics Advice


Does anyone have an analytics plugin recommendation?



If you look on cPanel under “metrics”, there’s a slew of analytical tools:

For web analytics, I think that Awstats is the best of those choices, though I also use Visitors for a quick look at what has just happened recently. Those tools seem to be setup by default as they work for me, but I never did anything to set them up.

Webalizer doesn’t seem to work; I wonder if it’s been set up incorrectly?

Of course, Google Analytics is pretty easy to use as well and has some pretty user friendly tools - like a map.

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There are a few other options available in the Surveys and Statistics section of Installatron. One that I’m familiar with is Piwik, which is an open-source site analytics tool comparable to Google Analytics. I use it for work, and it does a good job with a lot of first-order metrics like visitors, users, pageviews, etc. More sophisticated stuff like funnel tracking either relies on plugins or paid services by the company supporting Piwik. But the APIs are robust and generous, so it would probably be possible to work out most questions on your own with some independent data analysis.

Is it for a particular system?

Some good recommendations here. cPanel metrics are done at the server/domain level which is good in that it’s always on and you can see high level stuff like hits, page views, countries, browsers used, etc. PiWik gets closer to Google Analytics in that I know you can go much more in depth with either of those at tracking how the site is being used, but does require some advance setup. Both GA and PiWik can be added to just about any software as long as you can add the javascript they provide to a header or footer. In terms of something WordPress-specific for Google Analytics we use ExactMetrics – Google Analytics Dashboard for WordPress (Website Stats Plugin) – WordPress plugin | on a few sites and like it. Pretty graphs, adds code to the theme automatically to track, straightforward.